S_DeinterlaceAutoCan automatically detect an interlaced pulldown pattern, and deinterlace or reinterlace a clip. To deinterlace, first click on the Find Pattern button. If the effect fails to find a pattern, move to a frame with plenty of motion and click Find Pattern again. If the pulldown pattern seems longer than usual, increase the Max Pattern Fields accordingly. Once the pattern is found, the plug-in will output progressive frames. To reinterlace back to the original pattern, copy the node (or create a new node and copy the pattern parameters). Then change the mode to Reinterlace and connect the progressive footage to the Source input. The plug-in will output reinterlaced frames using the original pulldown pattern. Note that the output of this effect may be longer or shorter than the input clip, depending on the pattern.In the Sapphire Time effects submenu.
Load Preset:
Brings up the Preset Browser to browse all available presets for this effect.
Save Preset:
Brings up the Preset Save dialog to save a preset for this effect.
Popup menu, Default: Deinterlace
Switches between Deinterlace and Reinterlace modes.
Convert interlaced source footage into
unique progressive frames, using the specified pattern.
- Reinterlace: Convert progressive source footage into interlaced frames using the specified pattern.
- Reinterlace: Convert progressive source footage into interlaced frames using the specified pattern.
Convert interlaced source footage into
unique progressive frames, using the specified pattern.
Find Pattern:
Clicking on this will search for a pulldown pattern in the source clip, starting at the current frame. This fills in parameter values for the Pattern, Pattern Phase, and optionally the Field Dominance.
Detect Dominance:
Check-box, Default:
If enabled, Find Pattern will also automatically set the Field Dominance value. Otherwise Field Dominance can be set manually and will remain as is.
Describes the pulldown pattern found in the clip. This pattern refers to the source clip when deinterlacing, but when reinterlacing it describes the desired pattern to recreate in the destination clip. Thus the pattern should remain the same for deinterlace and reinterlace. The pattern shows how many fields comprise each progressive frame. A pattern of '3 2' indicates a typical 3:2 pulldown pattern. A pattern of just '1' would indicate all fields are unique. A pattern of just '2' indicates normal progressive frames with no interlacing, and causes the result clip to equal the source clip. Negative values in a pattern indicate out-of-order fields that match a previous progressive frame. Note that a problem with Toxik 2008 causes this Pattern string parameter to be invisible to the user.
Pattern Phase:
Integer, Default:
Shows the field number of the clip where the pattern begins. This parameter is set automatically when the Find Pattern button is clicked.
Field Dominance:
Popup menu, Default: 1
The field dominance of the source footage. This is set automatically by Find Pattern if Detect Dominance is enabled.
Field 1 occurs first in time, then field 2.
- 2: Field 2 occurs first in time, then field 1.
- 2: Field 2 occurs first in time, then field 1.
Field 1 occurs first in time, then field 2.
Max Pattern Fields:
Integer, Default:
5 to 100.
The maximum number of fields expected in the repeating pulldown pattern. Decreasing this value will cause it to inspect fewer frames and speed up the pattern finding. Increasing it will allow the detection of longer pulldown patterns.