Transferring 3-D Coordinates

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9. To see the camera cone of the camera imported from SynthEyes, bring up Tools/Visualization/Rendering, and select the Define Camera tool. Select the view with the SynthEyes camera track as the active view in the Define Camera tool, and turn on the Display View Cone checkbox.

Transferring 3-D Coordinates

If you would like to use within MicroStation the 3-D positions of the trackers, as computed by SynthEyes, you can bring them into MicroStation as follows.

1. You have the option of exporting only a subset of points from SynthEyes to MicroStation. All trackers are exported by default; turn off the Exportable checkbox on the coordinate system panel for those you don’t wish to export. You may find it convenient to select the ones you want, then Edit/Invert Selection, then turn off the box.

2. In SynthEyes, File/Export/Plain Trackers with Set Names=none, Scale=1, Coordinate System=Z Up. This export produces a .txt file listing all the XYZ tracker coordinates.

3. In MicroStation, bring up the Tools/Annotation/XYZ Text toolbar.

4. Click the Import Coordinates tool. Select the .txt file exported from SynthEyes in Step 1. Set Import=Point Element, Order=X Y Z, View=2 (or whichever you are using).

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