Transferring Meshes

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Transferring Meshes

SynthEyes uses two types of meshes to help align and check camera matches: mesh primitives, such as spheres, cubes, etc; and tracker meshes, built from the computed 3-D tracker locations. The tracker meshes can be used to model irregular areas, such as a contoured job site into which a model will be inserted. Both types of models can be transferred as follows:

1. In SynthEyes, select the mesh to be exported, by clicking on it or selecting it from the list on the 3-D panel.

2. Select the File/Export/STL Stereolithography export, and save the mesh to a file.

3. In MicroStation, select File/Import STL and select the file written in step 2. You can use the default settings.

4. Meshes will be placed in MicroStation at the same location as in SynthEyes.

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