Matching Plan A: Temporary Alignment

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Matching Plan A: Temporary Alignment

This is probably easiest, and we may offer a script to do the grunt work in the


Begin by assigning a temporary coordinate system for each camera, using the

same pom-poms and ordering for each camera. It is most useful to keep the porcupine axis upright (which is where pom-poms along the support wire would come in useful, if available); in this shot three at the very bottom of the porcupine were suitable.

With matching constraints for each camera, when you re-solve, you will obtain matching pairs of tracker points, one from each camera, located very close to one another.

Now, with the Coordinate System panel image open, Camera02 active, and the Top view selected, you can click on each of Camera02’s tracker points, and then alt- click (or command-click) on the corresponding Camera01 point, setting up all the links.

As you complete the linking, you should remove the initial temporary constraints from Camera02.

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