Installing the Tensorflow-for-GPUs Overlay

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Installing the Tensorflow-for-GPUs Overlay

The standard Windows and Linux SynthEyes installers contain a CPU-only version of Tensorflow in order to reduce installation size. If you are using the Tensorflow features and want to improve performance by using your GPU for Tensorflow, you’ll need to install the GPU version of Tensorflow. That’s actually quite simple, once you’ve downloaded it.

Go to the Download page, and select the appropriate (~750MB) or linuxGPU.tar.gz (625MB) file. Be sure to get the one that matches your SynthEyes version. (Don’t use Chrome to download

.tar.gz files, it’s buggy!)

Close any running SynthEyes applications.

Open the zip/archive file, and copy the files into your SynthEyes installation folder, ie \Program Files\BorisFX\SynthEyes NNNN or


Note that you’ll need to authenticate UAC on Windows, or have the appropriate permission on Linux to do this.

Similarly, notice that while most of the files are not already there, the tensorflow library itself will be: you are replacing the CPU version with the much larger GPU version.

Note that no special download is required on macOS because all the code required for CoreML support is already embedded in macOS.

©2024 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.