silhouette-2023.5 : Nodes : Magic Sharp
Magic Sharp
Enhances detail while minimizing artifacts associated with traditional sharpening tools.
Node Group
To select a preset, choose one from the Presets tab.
Sharpen Amount
Controls the master sharpening amount across all detail levels and scales the amount of sharpening in all detail stages proportionally.
Sharpen Threshold
Limits the amount of sharpening applied to regions that already have sharp, high-contrast edges.
Sharpen Radius
Sets the sharpening radius across all detail levels.
Edge Sensitivity
Determines how much edges are affected by the sharpening.
Detail Tuning
The core sharpening algorithm performs up to four passes labeled Fine, Small, Medium, and Course. Each pass targets physical details that have wider and wider pixel dimensions with each stage, focusing on details of roughly twice the pixel dimensions as the previous stage.
Fine Pass
Enable the sharpening pass for fine details.
Fine Sharpen
Adjust the amount of sharpening of fine details.
Small Pass
Enable the sharpening pass for small details.
Small Sharpen
Adjust the amount of sharpening of small details.
Medium Pass
Enable the sharpening pass for medium details.
Medium Sharpen
Adjust the amount of sharpening of medium details.
Coarse Pass
Enable the sharpening pass for coarse details.
Coarse Sharpen
Adjust the amount of sharpening of coarse details.
Channel Tuning
Adjust the relative amounts of sharpening in individual color channels--for example, to restrict sharpening only to luminance without sharpening chroma details.
Controls the amount of sharpening in the luminance channel.
Controls the amount of sharpening in the chrominance channel.
Controls the amount of sharpening in the red channel.
Controls the amount of sharpening in the green channel.
Controls the amount of sharpening in the blue channel.
Range Tuning
Adjust the relative amounts of sharpening across different luminance ranges-- for example, to reduce sharpening in noisy shadow regions. Range parameters allow fine tuning in different tonal ranges and change smoothly for regions that fall part way between tonal ranges.
High, Mid, Shadows On
Enable fine tuning of the sharpening amounts across the different tonal ranges.
Range Preview
Display a red mask overlay for the selected tonal range.
No overlay is displayed.
Display a red mask overlay on highlight pixels.
Display a red mask overlay on midtone pixels.
Display a red mask overlay on shadow pixels.
Highlight Threshold
Pixels with luminance values above this level are treated as fully within the highlight range.
Midtone High Threshold
Pixels with luminance values below this level but above the midtone low range are treated as fully within the midtone range.
Midtone Low Threshold
Pixels with luminance values above this level but below the midtone high range are treated as fully within the midtone range.
Shadow Threshold
Pixels with luminance values below this level are treated as fully within the Shadow range.
Controls the amount of highlight sharpening.
Controls the amount of midtone sharpening.
Controls the amount of shadow sharpening.