Silhouette-2022.5 : Nodes : Dual Gradient
Dual Gradient
Dual Gradient applies two photographic filters to the image which are blended together with a gradient. Presets for your favorite Color Gradient filters are provided as well as the ability to create custom colors.
Node Group
To select a preset, choose one from the Presets tab.
Color 1
Sets the color for the top half of the image. Select the desired color using the color picker or choose a filter preset.
Select one of the filters from the pop-up list.
The Color parameter sets the color of the grad through the use of a standard color picker.
Sets the opacity of the color filter.
Color 2
The Color 2 controls are the same as the controls for Color 1 except it is applied to the bottom half of the image.
Preserve Highlights
Preserves the white areas of the image.
Exposure Compensation
Exposure Compensation adds back the brightness loss as a result of the filter application.
Grad is the transition area between the two tints. Its direction, corners and size can be adjusted. Go to the Grad section of Common Node Controls to see how the Grad controls work.